Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Less Social Life=more blogging

So, many of you are probably myspace users, with different degrees of frequency, but regardless of the frequency you're probably aware of the fact that there about a million technical issues with it. I had assumed that these were mostly database and server problems since the load time on pages is waaaay longer than what it should be for pages that are relatively simple looking. Well, the web developer in me decided to play with my page a little. At first I was using one of those engines that creates the code for the page, then I realized that I get paid to do this sort of thing 5 days a week for another site, and that I have the ability to figure this out on my own. Wow, do they have bad front-end code too. It made me cringe. You'd think with the popularity and the fact that it is now part of a huge company they'd be able to hire a few decent developers to bring the code up to standard. Just awful.

A myspace question for females. What is the most common ad you see upon login? Guys seem to get a "True ad which usually contains a half naked model which makes True seem like it is a hair's breath short of a porn site. I find it amusing.

Random poll: Which do you find more amusing. A UPS ad that uses The Postal Service as background music, or a Mercury ad that uses a band called Morningwood. I'm partial to Morning wood, but that's just me.

Also of note: While watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight, I noticed that two of the top three "Newsmakers" where mentioned on Deadspin today (the Bears fan changing is name to Peyton Manning, and the Chinese inability to hire a good translator).

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At 2/08/2007 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I login, I get a True ad too, only with shirtless men. Makes me think it's some sort of softcore porn site too.

At 2/09/2007 9:28 PM, Blogger Paul said...

UPS and The Postal Service I find amusing. I don't get the Mercury/Morningwood thing beyond the fact that the band's name is Morningwood.

At 2/18/2007 7:47 PM, Blogger Blonde said...

I don't use myspace because I am not tolling for 16 year old boys.

Love Morningwood...of all kinds.

Nice blog.

At 3/30/2007 11:32 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

yeah i know it's been a long time since you posted this, but anyway...

my True and ads have clothed men... and they're only occasionally hot, unfortunately. But I feel like a voyeur when does those videos where you're like watching them on their webcam. "It's okay to look"? I'm glad they're fine with it, but if I wanted to spy on men, I wouldn't be on myspace where the sketchy ones are...


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