Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Look both ways

It's official, I'm the only person in my office who can do my job, so if I get hit by a bus everyone is pretty much screwed. Also, if you were planning on murdering me, and have some strange hatred for my company and want to screw them over, now would be a good time to get on that. Of course this morning, I almost took care of that myself when I tried to cross the street which was a sheet of ice and I wiped out 85% of the way across the road. I blame this on not skating recently enough. I should do that this weekend.



At 1/31/2007 10:36 PM, Blogger Hey Jo said...

What great job security! or is it that you get stuck doing it cuz no one else can... I think I am in the same position at work.

At 2/03/2007 5:12 PM, Blogger Roxy said...

Ha my ex was like you at his last job. When he left, the whole department suffered and begged him to come back.

Glad you didn't die on the ice. I wiped out this morning.


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