Tuesday, October 24, 2006


While sitting in the A train at 125th street Monday, I noticed someone scribbled, "Math saves more lives than Jesus." I knew there was a reason I got my degree in Math.

I think I saw the most content homeless person ever Monday. In fact, he looked so content, I'm not even 100% sure he was homeless, except for the fact that he was sitting on the floor of the subway station, and didn't appear to have any shoes. However, unlike most homeless people, he wasn't begging or acting crazy, he was just sitting the reading the newspaper, looking quite content.

Saturday, after spending the day in hangover recovery, (yeah we watched ND at home instead of the game watch), I decided to call a few people after I decided the hangover was gone because, hey, I was home on a Saturday night. Unfortunately, the rest of the world tends to plan a little farther ahead than I like to, so I resorted to craigslist (me=loser, but hey it was reasonably located on the platonic section). I posted an ad and actually got a response from someone in The Heights. We went to a wine bar and just chilled and had a generally good time, where we hung out some more and had another bottle of wine. I behaved myself, meaning I probably dropped the ball, but she was 3 years older than me, and I prefer to know people for more than a few hours generally before I try to hook up with them.

Anyway, the actual purpose of this was that I learned a valuable bit of information about my radiators. Now for those of you that don't know, I have no control of the heat in this apartment. There is no thermostat, so the radiators turn on, and if they're too hot, you need to open a window to cool things off, which is pretty much a complete pain in the ass. Now, this I girl I had just met informed that there are knobs on the radiators that allows you turn them on or off. Consequently, all the radiators in my apartment are now "off." Now, they're not truly off, because they still feel a little warm, but they're a little warm as opposed "sauna," which meant I got to come home to an apartment that actually felt like it was at a reasonable temperature this evening.

In conclusion, I'm hoping to have a new friend that a) is within walking distance, b) will want to go out to places within walking distance and c) I have an apartment that I might be able to get a little cool. Anyone who happened to be in the basement of my now destroyed house senior year knows I don’t really have a problem with cold (though the basement of that house was a bit extreme, even for my taste).

Finally, I discovered my credit limit went up today. This is a good thing, not that I was even approaching the limit before, but it should be my credit score (while good to begin with) should be going up.


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