Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Dead Poet

Best. Bar. Ever.

I went out with a friend of mine last night to one the bar's on the Upper West Side that I've been meaning to check out for a while. Reasons for this include the fact that it is easy for me to get to, it's an Irish pub, it had a 9.2 rating on citysearch, and it's advertised as a sit down and relax place (as opposed to the bars where you have to scream at the person sitting next to you in order to have a conversation). Apparently this place has like drink specials every night, so there's no reason to ever pay more the $4 for a pint, which is a pretty good deal anywhere, and is f-ing amazing in NYC. Also, at least half the time the $4 pints are Guinness. The nights that aren't Guinness, are like Yuengling, so you really can't go wrong. Anyway, we had many pints, and ended the night with shots of Jameson that the bartender bought us. Good times all around.

Anyway, during the course of the evening I realized that I'm doing alright for meeting people in the city, however none of the people I've met know each other. I need to develop a crew. This has also come along with meeting people through the people I've met and realizing that should I have a get together, it would be nice if the people I invited knew each other ahead of time. That just makes for an all round better party. I think I will officially declare this phase 2 of the development of my New York social life.

In case you're all curious, this is my 99th post.


At 7/30/2006 2:56 PM, Blogger ndheathen said...

No, I like NYC, I'm kinda planning on staying here for a while.


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