Sunday, July 02, 2006

Reunion Cometh!!!!

I have been waiting to get this in the mail for a few months now, and it finally came, the invitation to the 2006 Glee Club reunion. I have been waiting for this probably since the moment I graduated. I can't wait. The only downside of this is that I'm going to have to plan ahead, which isn't something I'm a big fan of doing. Now, reunion is somewhat of a date event, and knowing that most former clubbers will have one, I should probably get one too, unless we could create a good crew of us going stag, which would be a helluva good time too. I will cash in at least one vacation day, though it would nice to take a second to fly out to Chicago and do some heavy drinking with a at least of a few of the like 30 people I know there. There's also the whole finding a place to sleep while I'm out there. I have a friend in law school at ND, who might be able to put me up, but asking someone about their plans for the end of September in the beginning of July isn't all that useful frequently. Anyway, I am very excited, but I have a lot to figure out. At least I have over a month to figure out all this stuff :-)

Music: 311 - "Greatest Hits '93-'03"


At 7/04/2006 10:54 AM, Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

I don't know if Southie is invited to this thing, but I can assure you, he won't have a date.

At 7/05/2006 10:56 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

So who was the trumpet??

And the Glee Club reunion isn't the Stanford game weekend is it?!

At 7/07/2006 5:14 PM, Blogger ndheathen said...

Southie is invited, unless Club doesn't have his address (they're not the most organized people in the world.

The only reason I'm worrying about the date thing is that I woudl probalby be obligated to pay, and i'm cheap.

His name was Dan, go to LMC's website to see if he's actually listed with a full name. I think Reunion is the weekend of the Purdue game.

At 7/21/2006 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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