Monday, March 05, 2007

Getting ornery

Apparently the theme for this week is to find those little things that annoy the piss out of me. There is currently some dumb old bitch doing 7 loads of laundry at once. There are 4 washers in my building, so occupied them all for one 40 minute set. Annoying, but I can deal. But after the first 4 you have 3 more! Are you fucking serious! Are you washing your entire wardrobe? What the fuck is your problem? Did your closet explode followed by a literal pissing match that would cause this? On top of this I'm getting sick and was planning on taking care of myself and was going to go to bed early. Now I have to stay up late to finish my own damn laundry (a for more reasonable 2 loads I might add). I hate people.

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At 3/06/2007 9:53 PM, Blogger Erin said...

...I think someone is pmsing.... ;-)
I, too, hate washer unnecessary that I have to suffer because of their poor planning :-p


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