Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Da Vinci Code and the Rise of Metrosexuality.

Finally went to see Da Vinci Code last night (yes I realized I probably ruined the book for myself, I'll get over it). I have to say I agree with most of the reviews. It was kind of meh. I figured out what was going to happen a little more than half way through, and I could definitely see how a lot of things would work better in writing. The individual I went with (Angie) and I ended up going to see it at the theater where The Devil Wears Prada happened to be premiering. It's possible I might have had my first NY celebrity sighting and not realized it, since I could care less about Hollywood types, and I don't think Charlie Villanueva counts as a celebrity.

Anyway, after the movie Angie and I went to a bar for a few drinks. Now as we all know, bar bathrooms can be, well, unique to say the least. Looking at some sort of advertisement while one is taking a piss is common, at least for the guys. So is bathroom radio advertisements (the CT bar all seemed to have WIZZ Radio). However, this bathroom had something I had never experience before. It had a motion sensing advertisement that would basically talk to you while you were taking a piss. The picture ad and the verbal ad were both for www.ShaveEverywhere.com, and the picture showed a picture of one hairy "nut" and one shaved "nut." Unique to say the least, but rather effective target advertising.


At 6/21/2006 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had found that shave everywhere website on del.icio.us a few months ago. its not surprising that such a product exists, but wow, is that a creepy guy in the video or what?

At 6/22/2006 12:02 AM, Blogger ndheathen said...

after having and ad talk to me while i'm taking a piss, the guy isn't all that creepy anymore.

At 6/23/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger Dwight Supremacy said...

You New Yorkers get everything first. Now motion-sensing ads that show nuts! Lucky bastards. :)


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