Thursday, May 18, 2006

The return of Pascal!

Before I get started, I love the smell of spring rain. It's not quite as good in NYC as it was in CT, but I still love it.

Moving on.....


After recovering from my hangover yesterday (thankfully I drank a lot of water before I went to bed so it wasn't too bad), I went out with an old friend/acquaintance I knew from high school. We discovered each other through my space, and after about 8 years of pretty much forgetting the other existed we went out and had dinner and several beers. It was good times. Particularly since we both claim each other as our own friends and not friends of friends, or friends of coworkers etc. because mooching other people's friends just kinda sucks. Also, this is far and away the best reason to get a myspace account as far as I'm concerned. I'll admit now, that resisting for so long was just a silly idea.

In other news I'm getting a cold, probably because of the absurd amount of alcohol I consumed on Tuesday.

Speaking of Tuesday, it's good to see that drunken Garrett is a great entertainer. If you live in NYC, you need to bring me out, as I am a never-ending source entertainment (for better or for worse). I was thrilled to see new people posting comments. It makes me happy.

Workout music of the day: Tool - 10,000 Days


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