Thursday, May 25, 2006

I can't think of a title

Ok, if you don’t care about web development, you may want to skip toe the second half of this blog.

So I've been teaching myself JavaScript so that should my boss a) quit or b) die I can be qualified for his position. I'm currently one chapter in my JS book away form legitimately putting JS and DHTML on my resume. Anyway, while doing one of the exercises, I ended up creating a page that worked fine in Firefox, but showed up as blank for some reason in IE. Now, something working in only one of the two browsers is fairly common. If something works in IE but is jacked in Firefox, it usually means you have sloppy code and IE is forgiving you for something like not closing a tag. If something works in Firefox and not IE, it usually means you wrote technically accurate code, but IE is trying to be "helpful" and ends up breaking itself because it's a shitty browser. Anyway, after this is done, one must find a way to make the give page look accurate in both browsers. So while debugging I cam across something that I had never seen before. I was importing an external JS file and neglected to close the tag, which apparently Firefox accepted, but broke IE. Of course, it's not like IE threw any specific errors, I just got a blank page which wasn't helpful and this took a few minutes to track down, but I digress. This is like a sign of the apocalypse or something. Sloppy code ALWAYS breaks in Firefox. This is a first. I just don't know what to say. Ok, enough technical babble.

Speaking of trying to make myself qualified for my boss' job, I am at a weird point in my life. I have less career direction at 24 than I did when I was 20. Maybe I was just naive then, but this is annoying, and I don't like it. I like a solid direction. We'll see what my feelings on this are when I start up actuarial studying again in the summer.

Tomorrow I'm taking a field trip up to Bristol for a follow up to orientation. I have a feeling this will be more or less completely pointless, but it will be nice to do something different besides hardcore studying of JS like I've done for the past 2 weeks. It'll be nice to see some of the people I used to work with in Bristol. I might even hang around and have a drink with them after work, because unlike my New York coworkers, they find it socially acceptable to hang out with each other outside of work.

I'm also looking forward to driving for the first time in 2.5 months; at least I will be once I get outside of the city. I'm also excited because I get to use my corporate card for the first time. Yay!

I just missed a great picture today when crossing the street on the way to Columbus circle. Both the stop and walk signals were on for the crossing signal. I crossed the street and then said, "Hey, I have a camera phone! This would make a good picture!" Of course when I crossed back to the other side it had been fixed and only one of the signals was on. Grrrr.. So close, yet so far away.


At 5/25/2006 11:46 PM, Blogger Sue Ellen Mischke said...

It makes me so jealous to think of not driving for 2.5 days much less 2.5 month. Hell, 2.5 hours is pretty nice.

At 5/26/2006 2:04 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Stealth readers... sheesh ;-)

Email me! kelticwhisper*at*yahoo*dot*com

Now that I know you have a blog, I can stay updated, but I need an update: how the hell have you been?! How's NYC?!

At 5/26/2006 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss programming class with you

At 5/27/2006 12:48 AM, Blogger ndheathen said...

I miss class and college period.

...though it is nice to actually have a little bit of money.


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