Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Remember when I used to blog?

Yeah, sorry about that. Let's do this chonologically.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on leaving ESPN.

To top things off, on my last day I worked until 8 pm. I meant to blog when I had a week off between jobs, but I took my decompressiosn very seriously, and did an amazing amount of nothing, combined with almost finishing the addiction that kind of kept me from blogging the past two months, Final Fantasy XII.

Anyway, I started my new job Monday. I was the next to last person to leave my office, at 6:15. Amazing. I rarely did that at ESPN. The day starts at 8:30, which is a little earlier than I like, but I get free breakfast, so I can deal.

Anyway, with normal hours, and my final fantasy addiction temporarily dried up, I don't see any reason I can't blog at least weekly, but don't take me off the the "Are you still alive" column just yet.

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At 9/21/2007 3:37 PM, Blogger Hey Jo said...

Glad to see you are still alive. Welcome back!!


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