Monday, July 23, 2007

A "normal" week

Finally, a week where I should really have to work late, and I get to come home and have a little more free time in the evening, and where I can do things I've been neglectful of (such as blogging).

So yes, lets get to the major news. I've given notice to the worldwide leader. No, I don't have another job yet, but thankfully I'm in a career where freelancing is a viable option. I discovered shortly before I left for camp that there are jobs out there I'm totally qualified for that would give me about a 50% raise. That was the kick in the butt that made me decide that sticking around to the end of the year wasn't worth it, combined with the fact that I stopped getting lip service to my complaints made it clear that it was time for me to go. So September 7 is my last least in marketing and sales.

Now I have to field the "what do you want to get into?" question. This is really hard, because I don't really care as long as I can play with and learn new programming languages, and that it is not in an ad sales environment. Whatever, it'll be nice to start regaining my soul. (I may be a dick, but that doesn't mean I don't have principles.) Now I just need to figure out how to stay motivated for another 2ish months.

Other news: Two weekends ago a one of my good friends from ND got married out in Chicago. The first night I was in the city, and started to lose some of my anti-Chicagoness. I'm still anti-Midwest, but I could probably deal with Chicago since I realized last weekend I probably have a better group of friends there than I do in NYC. The wedding itself was enjoyable, but it was kind of weird for me to see someone I spent so much time with during what can be argues as 4 of the most important years of anyone's life, grow up and get married. Now this is only the second wedding I've been to where I was friend's with one of the people getting married. The first one I went to was for someone a few years older than me and we weren't super close, so I was just kinda there and enjoyed the experience. This time though, I knew a lot more people there, and it was just weird to see someone I was really good friends with take that step. I think part of it for me is that marriage is so far away from where I am in life right now.

music: jesus jones - right here, right now

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At 7/24/2007 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you're interested in Chicago, try Random Walk...they do a lot of programming for businesses and use C# and java, etc. You'd probably be pretty good at it, especially with your background.

At 7/31/2007 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But who will I get my free Disneyland passes from now? Seriously though, lemme know if you come out to Chicago, since I'll be there too.


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