Saturday, April 22, 2006


Things I didn't get to during the week.

Tuesday-ish I got a call from an actuarial recruiter asking me if I was still looking for a job. Uh, no dude, but can you answer a question for me? Where the hell were you 5 MONTHS AGO when I had a contract that was ending and no official job prospects lined up yet? Meh, I'll hang onto his number in case I want to try and go back to the actuary thing a year or so from now.

I saw a woman talking on a banana phone while I was walking around Morningside Heights Thursday evening. Unfortunately, I totally dropped the ball on taking a picture. The thought that I own a camera phone didn't even occur to me until I had walked like 30 feet past her, and I thought it would look a little strange to circle back, walk behind her for a few feet while I take the picture, and the walk ahead again, so you all are you just going to have to take my word for it.

I stumbled across this article about Penn State's women's basketball coach being allowed to continue coaching despite effectively forcing one of her players off the team because she was gay. Honestly, how can you do this is women's sports? Now, obviously not all female athletes are gay, but there does tend to be a higher than average percentage of lesbians competing in women's sports. Also, those that aren’t gay, I would also tend to think are pretty accepting of those that are. I mean this is a state school, how does this woman still have a job, and why would any girl want to play for her? I mean, if this was some sort of private conservative school, you might be able to see an argument for not firing her, but at a state school? Are you serious? I mean, even Notre Dame had openly gay basketball players on their women's team, and they call got along fine, and it's not like ND is the world's most accepting school.


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